Saturday, August 25, 2012

vampire fangs for a vampire bride

Yesterday found me doing absolutely nothing with myself, so I decided to go and get vampire fangs.
They're more commonly called snakebites, but let's be honest, vampire boys and girls. We know what they REALLY are... ;)

I didn't get to see my normal piercer, Lysa -she was on vacation in Canada and I forgot about it. Usually I would wait for her to be back, but I'd been meaning to get these piercings for weeks and kept having road blocks pop up, so when I was actually able to make it to the tattoo & piercing place I just decided to seize the day. The piercer was a cute girl named Star -she flew in from New York to sub for Lysa while she was on vacation.  Star was very friendly and knowledgeable, and I think she did a great job. Lined the piercings up exactly where I wanted them on the first try, and even though they hurt more than any other piercing I've had (thanks to the lips being so sensitive), it only hurt for a second and my eyes barely had time to water before I was on a nice piercing high!

My lips were a little sore yesterday, but they didn't really swell up until today. I have very plush, bee stung lips at the moment, and I felt even more like a vampire when I woke up this morning: thanks to my habit of sleeping on my face, one of the piercings had gotten pissed off and was bleeding a little.

I love the little studs, but I'm excited to have them switched out for rings in a few weeks. It's much more fang-like.

Now, onto the pix!

Brand new holes in my face. I've been told I look a little mad about it, but really my lip was stinging too much to smile.


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