Wednesday, March 28, 2012


As of today, my newest piercings are a week old! How lovely.
I had my nose re-pierced and my eyebrow pierced last Wednesday, at Industrial Tattoo in Berkeley.
If you count the industrial bar in my ear as 2 piercings (and I do, because if I wanted to I could take it out and put in  two earrings) it brings the grand total up to lucky 13!
My eyebrow piercing will have company soon, though. My fiance and I are getting our eyebrows done on our anniversary, and I'm going to put in another little bar right next to the one I already have.

Pictures will be coming soon-ish! I'm excited to finally have some new mods, it's been ages since I've gotten anything.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Modeling for Keira Grant & possibly a fashion show!

I had some fun last week posing for pictures with Oakland model and photographer Keira Grant.
Here's a couple:

I love these shoes. Anything that adds a lot of height to a 5'5" girl is good

Also I make a very good mental patient...and holy bats I had no idea I could still bend my legs like that

Wearing Alice & The Pirates

I am by no means a professional model but if people want to take my picture it's cool. And a friend tipped me off for doing a possible fashion show, so if I get that...I would absolutely love it! More exposure is one step closer to being on a horror show.

Good night my darklings and little bats ^^v^^

Monday, March 5, 2012

click click

Going out to take some pictures today!
First I have some tights to rip, hair to curl and makeup to put on...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Testing, testing, un, deux, trois

Hello and velcome to my humble home.
I'm Lily Phobia and I'll be your best ghoulfriend and main vamp for your little stay at my corner of the world-wide (spider)web.
It is such a pleasure to meet you...